Together with a whole network of media researchers, creators and students we will:
- learn storytelling basics such as antagonist/protagonist relationships, narrative/narrated time, ...
- have a look at exciting current media projects
- analyze how they are designed and executed based on aforementioned basics
- and discuss how (and if) new online tools and formats change the way stories are told and perceived.
New Web Portal, Supported Through Partnership With Leading Chinese Internet Company NetEase, to Create Localized Experience | Virtual Strategy Magazine is an online publication devoted entirely to virtualization technologies.
MOOCs face a storm of opposition that underestimates their challenge to traditional education. Given their popularity, why are there so many myths about MOOCs floating around? Debunking the myths about MOOCs leaves us free to challenge our assumptions — and our imaginative possibilities — by questioning the seeming inevitability of educational orthodoxy.
The Open University has begun offering courses on the international portal Massive Open Online Courses, also known as MOOCs, which was initiated in the US and offers fully accessible online courses in various disciplines from universities around the world, this week.
Universities should be able to take lectures or other course material and make it available online for student consumption anytime, anywhere and on any device. But, it’s not just about distributing course content – it’s about creating the same kind of social experience in a virtual world as the student might experience in a traditional classroom.
A few weeks ago we published a list of websites covering all aspects of Massively Open Online Courses (MOOCs), Open Courseware (OCW), and general open education resources, and the response was amazing. This is an incredibly important topic, and it is growing rapidly as the value of advanced education increases, and the technologies for distributing it get more advanced.