Thinking about investing in some new training management software? We've got some tips to make sure you don't hit any obstacles during your implementation period!
Senior management may not always be able to see the value of an investment in an LMS replacement project immediately. You know that you need a detailed strategy to make them realize that going with a new LMS is the only way to go. In this article, I’ll guide you through the steps you need to take to present your LMS replacement project to senior management.
When approaching the implementation of a brand new Learning Management System (LMS), there are a wide variety of variables an organization should consider. Surprisingly, a successful implementation process begins before a new LMS is even procured. Below is a concise list of best practices...
I've had the opportunity to work with numerous clients over the years. Each had their own unique requirements, budgets, and list of must-have features. Regardless of their differences, I always share the same LMS implementation tricks to ensure a smooth and stress-free LMS implementation process...
There is a great level of Learning Management System (LMS) choice out there, so here are ten top tips to help you choose and implement your next LMS...
There is no good reason to spend more money and add one more layer of infrastructure. Strategic moves do not bear on tools but on defining and reaching narrowed down objectives. The objectives a LMS, such as Dokeos, can help to reach encompass...
What are the most effective tips for Successful Learning Management System Implementation? 1. Start With The End In Mind, 2. Estimate LMS Impact On The Business, 3. Document Who Will Benefit, 4. Determine Critical Features, 5. Think About The Future, 6. Work With Your IT Department, 7. Establish Effective Communication, and 8. Teach People How To Use The New LMS Effectively.
What are the most effective tips for Successful Learning Management System Implementation? 1. Think About Business Needs Alongside The Technical Aspects Of Implementation, 2. Understand What Learning Metrics Need To Be Captured, Displayed And Then Correlate Them Against Business KPIs, 3. Technology Is Only Part Of The Answer, 4. Understanding That Engagement Is The Goal, and 5. Don't View Implementation As The Sole Objective.
Implementing an enterprise-wide Learning Management System is a huge task and the success of it relies mainly on two levels; Learner's level and an overall Organizational level. Here are some tips that we have derived from our experiences across varying audience profiles and companies.