In this interview, Dr. Robert Hoffman shares how training methods like mentoring, tough cases and operational simulation lead to accelerated expertise.
eLearning Brothers have just released the all new Professional Development Package. There are so many amazing features to this package including, 1-on-1 mentoring with an eLearning Brothers “mentor,” a membership to either The eLearning Guild or ATD, and a premium subscription to the most well-known self-paced video training library on the planet. One of the coolest aspects of this offering is the amazing video training library. Let’s dive into it.
We at eLearning Brothers have just recently released the all new Professional Development Package. One of the coolest aspects of this offering is the 1-on-1 mentoring. Let us walk your through it.
It takes time and resources to learn all the ins and outs of the industry and how to best apply those to the training content you’re building. Take a look at this three-note power chord of a professional development package, built specifically with the purpose of helping you forge your legacy as an eLearning Rockstar!
Virtual microteaching sessions are an excellent way for learners and teachers to still put themselves under the microscope within a small group of on-line audience where they can also comment and give feedback on their performance.