Mentor students around the world with a platform that can be used to share artistic expressions in an online classroom. Read this story of an online tutor and how she made a difference to people around the world.
Have you considered running a Massive Open Online Course or as it's commonly called, a MOOC? I'v been involved in MOOCs since 2007/2008. I started organizing my own MOOCs in 2013 with the first Moodle MOOC on WizIQ in June 2013 and the second one in October 2013. Organizing and conducting MOOCs on WizIQ is easy and rewarding for everyone involved. So much so, that I decided to have 3 Moodle MOOCs a year, a Second Life MOOC in April and a Healthy Living MOOC in September.
Nowadays, nearly half of the undergraduate students in the United States come to college grounds for counteractive work before the start of their standard credit-bearing classes. In course of time, the prospective of free online college classes have bewildered the educators, and they are now emerging with the promise of harnessing online materials to deal with the toughest challenges in American higher education.
You pour your heart and soul into your content and wonder why many people don’t finish your online courses. Where did you go wrong? These are 5 great questions to ask yourself before your eLearning course goes live.
Raptivity is a great tool to help you build interactive courses with tons of pre-made templates. You can easily insert an interactive Raptivity model within your PowerPoint presentation by following a few simple steps. Let us show you how.
DigitalChalk receives positive recognition at the Institute of Behavioral and Applied Management (IBAM) conference on October 3-5 in San Diego, California.
DigitalChalk has created an easy process for you to preview your courses just as a student would see them, without the hassle of having to register yourself for the course.
The original creators of Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) say that their original vision has been lost by from companies hoping to capitalize on the idea.