We’ve recently added several Captivate quiz templates to our library in continuation of our endless journey to fulfill your every quizzing need. These unique and striking designs are sure to add that extra flare your next Captivate project truly needs.
Quizzes...we all use them. They are an integral part of any good eLearning course. Yet one of the oft-neglected types of quiz is one that draws from a bank of questions. Today we’ll take a look at how to use question banks in Storyline 2 to create effective assessments.
Quizzes are an integral component of eLearning. Not only do they test the learner’s knowledge, but they allow the learner to use their new skills and knowledge in a practical situation shortly after learning it.
Your learners are taking your course, but are they really learning anything? There’s only one way to find out: test them.
Online learning assessment comes in several varieties. There are the obvious ones — tests and quizzes — but you can assess your learners in other ways as well; projects, or written assignments, for example.
Here are some ways you can test your online learners, and some easy tools that will get you started.
This article will help you choose the right question types when you're creating an electronic quiz, whether to assess or cement your learners' knowledge.