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One of the most important rules to keep in mind when developing your course is to not overload your students with information. Giving too much content can easily confuse a student and make it more difficult for them to determine what information is priority.
With all of the advances made in e-learning, virtually anyone can create online classes, whether you have an educational design background or not. Understandably, if you do not have much experience with instructional design the task can seem overwhelming. Thankfully, you can create a quality course, even if you aren’t an expert in the design field.
Did you know that DigitalChalk has created login rules to help you to create an easier registration process for yourself and your students? Login rules make the registration process easier by allowing the course administrator to set up a login rule that automatically registers a student for a course(s).
Internal staff training is an effective form of training due to a number of reasons. Internal training is often the preference among employees because they don’t have to leave the workplace to participate in the training.
As you create your online courses, remember to always learn from your past mistakes (and from others). These are 6 simple mistakes that online instructors commonly make and how you can avoid them.
It’s time to now talk about the visual learning style and what can be done to create course content that will best suit people who are visual learners. We lightly touched on the subject in our learning styles article, now let’s dive in.