Alone in my office yesterday afternoon, avoiding work on a book proposal, I read a couple of really interesting, seemingly-unrelated articles that actually go great together. The first was an old C...
Proving that elearning is helpful to deal with a variety of situations, UC Irvine is now offering a MOOC on zombie survival. Let's hope we never have to use those skills.
How do you get thousands of people excited about an online course in math, physics, and public health that will not earn them formal credit or any kind of certificate?
The first ever MOOC is thought to have been "Hello China" which in 2003 delivered a free English language programme to an estimated 4 million Chinese citizens using the radio, Internet, a newspaper and mobile phones Later MOOCs emerged from the Open Educational Resources (or OER) movement. The New York Times dubbed 2012 'The Year…
Researchers have been finding that taking classes or otherwise challenging the brain can keep mind and memory sharp, even for those middle-aged or older. Online courses can also be tools to keep relevant in a changing work environment.
We heard solid advice from many tech recruiters for job seekers getting started with their careers in tech, and we want to share what we’ve learned from folks sitting on other side of the interview table. - See more at: