Online learning comes in two general forms: synchronous and asynchronous. Synchronous online learning happens when several individuals (learners) are communicating or interacting with each other at the same time. This often happens online with a webinar. An online chat room or instant messaging system could also be deemed synchronous. Learners need to be present at a specified time and at the same time or “in sync” with the instructor. Asynchronous learning, on the other hand, frees the learner
Many of you are already using PowerPoint in the classroom, so why not repurpose that presentation for your online courses? These are 15 benefits of using PowerPoint in eLearning.
I was shopping this past weekend at a local outlet mall, and for the first time I walked into a Columbia store. While shopping, I started to notice the look and feel of their in-store graphics. I u...
The Raptivity team recently presented at a technology event for educators at University of Pune, Maharashtra, India. The presentation was titled ‘Innovative Ideas for Making Learning Interactive’. It aimed at showcasing different creative ideas and ways of making learning fun and interactive. Over 65 senior educators from across Maharashtra region attended the session.
Sharing presentations online in an efficient way is far from being an obvious task .The goal of this article is to help authors sharing presentations online by illustrating four available strategies, with links to existing services and list of benefits and drawbacks for each strategy.
Teachers, marketers and HR managers share the need to communicate, present, persuade, engage, explain, introduce and document. They would naturally focus on different topics and target different audiences, but their goal is the same: reach out to an audience and find effective ways to get their message across.
PowerPoint presentations are a popular way of sharing knowledge. Whether it is for eLearning, business products, educational material, reports, courses, tutorials… everyday millions of people stand in front of an audience, either a class, a meeting room, a conference or a webinar, drawing a presentation.
As eLearning professionals we need to build an arsenal of tools and the competence for choosing which ones are best suited for each project. When it comes to publish presentations online, Voice talents, home-made recording, Text-to-Speech voiceover, silent and self-explaining pictures are all tools at our disposals. We must learn how to use each one of them.