As an E-Learning Manager in the financial services industry, my role is diverse. From introducing innovative ideas, to curating content, to building interactive learning resources with my own hands, I need an array of tools to get the job done. Luckily, some of the best tools are free!
We have posted a huge list of education resources for teachers, students and parents on our site. Most of them are free to use. This is part of a project in Kenya to bring 21st Century learning to the region. If anyone has any suggested resources please let us know and we can add to the list.
The following eLearning resources provide excellent, relevant and useful information on a variety of e-learning areas. Most also provide a means for you to connect with the other learning professionals, helping you to grow your personal learning network.
Report from Ed Tech Review Research & Resource Center about game based learning, gamification, how they're being used, and contains a list of 40+ games and game-based resources that you can use.