Under data protection law, “sensitive” personal data has to be given special protection. What does this mean for assessments? Learning and assessment thought leader John Kleeman explains.
The field of security is constantly growing, shifting and adapting to meet an ever changing threat landscape. Security expert David Hunt takes a look at best practices and offers tips and insight on creating strong passwords that will empower you and your users.
Assessment thought leader Bart Hendrickx breaks down everything you need to know about what SAML is and how you can used it with SSO to authenticate your users.
For many exams, candidates are required to travel to test centers where proctors supervise the process; However, a new way of proctoring certification exams is rapidly gaining traction. Two of the world’s largest software companies, @SAP and @Microsoft, offer online proctoring for their certification programs, and many other companies are looking to follow suit.
Do you need to understand the key differences and benefits? Check out the pros and cons in this infographic.
Security is integral. Passwords are important. Find out how using single sign-on can help improve security while simplifying your life. Assessment thought leader Bart Hendrickx breaks it down in this blog post.
You know that controlling your users' access can take time and lots of it....But there's an alternative out there! Product manager Bart Hendrickx has put together a how-to guide that demonstrates how to control access efficiently and navigate changes in job roles effectively.
Is online proctoring an invasion of privacy? Do proctors still have access to your computer after the exam is complete? What sort of things can they access while you’re taking the exam? Can they access your files and identifiable information? Assessment thought leader Steve Lay digs into the issue of security and privacy around online proctoring.