When deciding on locally hosting your own learning management system, you’ll want to weigh up the advantages and disadvantages of not only local hosting, but also cloud hosting as well. If you decide to go the local route, there are a number of requirements your organisation will need to consider.
LMS pricing isn’t as simple as a one off expense like an item in the supermarket. There are different pricing models and hidden costs. To get the best value LMS, organisations need to conduct due diligence during selection.
Moodle is undoubtedly the best open-source learning platform, with 248, 250, 478 users (and counting) in 251 countries around the world. And 196, 000+ sites use Moodle for their online learning and development. Those numbers for an open-source technology are overwhelmingly incredible...
If you are planning to opt for a Learning Management Software for your organization, here are the significant points that will help you navigate the process
Struggling to make a mark for your products and services from your existing customer training program? Have you tried leveraging an LMS for customer training? Find out 5 reasons why you should!
Learning governance can align with business strategy by prioritizing investments & assigning accountability. It can also make L&D efficient & effective.