At Easygenerator we use terms like Learning path, course and assessment. But we are not sure everybody understands these terms in the same way. We concluded that these terms are probably not the sa...
Internet has changed everything and it is changing eLearning fundamentally. It has become so easy to publish information instead of just consuming it. Posting information on the web doesn’t require...
This is a great time of year to reflect on the best things that have happened to eLB in 2015. Read through our 12 days of eLearning and get some free stuff!
Wide use of Flash makes rumors of its decline a concern for those of us working in the eLearning industry. How will the decline of Flash impact your LMS?
Find out how this graduate student made a complete online revision resource about myeloid leukemia for life sciences students using PowerPoint and iSpring.
In order to measure the success of your online courses, you'll need to track specific metrics using learning analytics and other tactics. This post will show you what to pay attention to.