What's the best way to reduce cheating? Getting your participants to CHOOSE not to cheat. In this blog post, assessment thought leader John Kleeman lays out 5 ways to make it less likely that people will rationalize about cheating.
Who Needs Articulate Storyline Templates? You do! Last week we added Articulate Storyline Templates to help you with your eLearning development. Here is a short review of what we added.
What is your favorite authoring tool? When it comes to Instructional Design and eLearning course development in corporate America the tool you use is either chosen by your manager or limited because of budget. Are you that manager? What if YOU could choose? What if your boss said to pick or you started a freelance career tomorrow? Let’s take a closer look at authoring tool and (stick with me) by the end of this post you’ll have a better idea. - See more at: http://jennifervalley.blogspot.com/2
“If you want your students to enjoy your online course, have a little fun with it! Choosing bright colors and graphics can lighten the mood. Avoid too much mundane text that nobody (not even you) wants to read. If you have an intro video, maybe consider cracking a joke to start out. There are many different ways to have fun with your course and make it more enjoyable for you and your students.”
Here's a look at three YouTube channels that get educational videos right, from which you can draw ideas and create your own inspired and inspiring videos.
he year of 2014 was a great year of discovery for me in terms of eLearning tool, websites, companies, and services. I posted a list of tools that I compiled of free (or cheaper) tools and even found a few more after the post was published. I plan on revisiting the list a little later in the year but wanted to share "What's in my Course Design Toolkit" for Challenge #35.
.....I kept telling myself "you've been wanting to up your professional development game", "you've been wanting to take a deeper dive into other software" and "these would make great portfolio pieces" but something held me back. One day after reading someone's encouraging comment that boiled down to "You just need to do it" I finally threw my hands in the air and wrote a blog post for an entry....
We’ve rounded up more than 100 eLearning tools and resources that we’ve shared over the past year to help you get started on these new eLearning projects.
iSpring has recently completed compliance testing on DigitalChalk to ensure that any iSpring created SCORM content will seamlessly integrate with DigitalChalk.
So you have completed your content review and bias review, it is now time to conduct a final editorial review in order to create an assessment that is defensible and yields trustable results.
Check out Psychometrician Austin Fossey's tips in this blog post and share your own suggestions, tips and tricks.