Download this kit to get ideas on promotional tools for marketing eLearning so that it becomes a powerful and successful training alternative for your organization.
Recently, in our house, we celebrated several birthdays. Celebrations like birthdays, Christmas, Hanukkah, Mother’s Day, Easter, and so forth always seem to involve some form of gift for others. Well, when it comes to designing your quizzes in Captivate, you can also give yourself a gift. The gift of GIFT files.
As the days grow shorter, we start searching for ways to add more light to our days. As our eLearning development progresses, we start searching for ways to add excitement and innovation to our courses. Lightboxes are one way of doing that.
Conducting quality assurance tests requires time—but so does fixing a bug, updating an interaction, or removing a typo. If you’re going to spend time making fixes, do so on the front end before the content is in front of your learners.
Making screencast videos sometimes feels like letting people into your personal space. Luckily, our friends at TechSmith have created a great tool in Camtasia that covers up our sensitive information. It’s called blurring.
Our Cutout People Library is filled with characters of all shapes, sizes, and most other attributes you can think of. And the beautiful thing is, you can hone your search to get the specific results you need, which means a character from your industry is just a click away!
Are you an experienced Teacher or Trainer? Are you pretty knowledgeable on a specific topic that your friends and family constantly asking you about? You may want to create online courses. How big is online learning? About US$107 Billion according to Global Industry Analysts, Inc. That’s pretty big. And it’s growth is just starting.
Summertime here in the Western United States is a time for a plethora of outdoor activities all designed with one goal in mind: Get moving. This is good advice for all of us if we want to maintain or improve our health. The same advice holds true for improving learner engagement and interest in our eLearning courses. Get moving. Adding motion to objects in Captivate 9 is not as difficult as it may seem.
We’ve recently added several Captivate quiz templates to our library in continuation of our endless journey to fulfill your every quizzing need. These unique and striking designs are sure to add that extra flare your next Captivate project truly needs.
If you are still using spreadsheets to collect feedback from stakeholders, there is a better way. Here are ten reasons why you should try out an online review tool.