When I came across this handy visual it brought to mind things that truly connected educators should probably know before the upcoming school year, I was happy to see that I’m not the only one that needs to update my colloquial vocabulary.
Education technology has changed what's possible in learning. No longer are students confined to desks, textbooks, or even classrooms or schools. Today, a student has…
Testing, especially any sort of standardized testing tends to get a bad rap. Teachers complain that they spend too much time teaching to a test. But assessments do have value, and an important place in our learning structure. By measuring what students are learning, we as teachers can look at how we are approaching different subjects, materials, and even different students. The handy infographic below takes a look at different types of assessments and their attributes and questions. Keep readin
Academia is buzzing about MOOCs. What sounds like genteel name-calling is actually a powerful new medium with potential to transform the education system.
Embed This Infographic An infographic by the team at College Degree Search What humble beginnings begot the massive explosion of online schooling? Let’s take a look. 1930’s – Radio education was tried, but unsuccessful 1940’s – Military successfully uses TV
The Online Student Orientation (OSO) eceived an informal Quality Matters review and is designed to meet the Quality Matters Rubric standards.
The OSO introduces students to the institution’s learning environment before the first course of a program begins. The OSO familiarizes students with popular LMS functions and online learning strategies to help promote students’ success in the program.
The infographic on why to have an OSO and the steps to creating one.
In order to lay some ground rules for being successful creating eLearning, we have put together 10 commandments that will ensure instructional designers and businesses alike can reap the rewards of their training efforts.