While developing in Storyline, you must always be conscious of how your user will react to what is presented on screen. As there are many things that one can talk about in regards to the aesthetics of a game, we picked three main points that must be on your radar while creating a game that will keep the user engaged.
There’s something invigorating about throwing caution to the wind and playing by your own rules. With our new Storyline game template, Escape, you can give your learners that exciting experience while teaching them a thing or two.
When playing a game, you don’t want to be left in the dark when it comes to how many chances you have to complete a task. There are many different ways to track and present the amount of tries someone has (or doesn’t have). Here you will be walked through on how to create a working Attempt Tracker.
Want to know how to create Enterprise Games that actually add value to your training? Check the 5 top tips on Enterprise Games that that actually add value.
Research that has been done into the motivational pull of video game play and then linked this to gamification, which seems to be an increasingly popular technique being used in eLearning and other educational settings. From a personal perspective, learner motivation for eLearning is an important issue because its use in organisations is becoming much more widespread.
Our popular Game Show template has received a makeover for Lectora! Along with the classic version of the template, Game Show now also fits seamlessly into the “Scratch” theme of templates, bringing a modern touch to an old favorite.