It's important to measure the effectiveness of training programs. Why, how else would the company determine the success of the training programs?! Here are a few ways how and why you should measure training effectiveness
Individuals who use a Learning Management System (LMS) mostly influence the recent learning practices. With the popularity of mobile devices on the rise, the LMS must adapt itself to a mobile learning environment. Simultaneously, we must make sure that the use of a mobile-first LMS reflects the organization objectives. In this article, we will discuss how …
August. As the kids go back to school, our thoughts are turned to learning. In the training world, that means in many cases that we are preparing our courses for publishing to a Learning Management System (LMS). Make sure you know what standards, parameters and settings your LMS requires before you proceed with publishing any course. So let’s look at the basic steps as they pertain to Articulate Storyline 2.
Read the Totara LMS blog to learn all about learning technology, e-learning, instructional design and development, online courses, gamification, social learning and much more!
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Joomla! Learning Management Systems Comparison: JoomlaLMS vs Guru LMS vs Shika LMS vs King LMS. Compare LMSs and find the one that suits your eLearning needs.
Sales Training is about effectively communicating the value of your product or service to the buyers. Every organization strives to improve their sales closure rates by trying to maximize the efficacy and productivity of the field sales teams. But not all organizations are keen on training their customer-facing teams. Some consider Sales rep trainings as a …