As an online course educator, how would you define your learning strategy for your students? It is helpful to have a strategy laid out so you can pick what features you need in an LMS.
With the rapid evolution of technology, increased job requirements, and a diversified workforce, managers must efficiently and successfully deliver and manage learning experiences for their employees. These experiences must be easily accessible and easily tracked.
What does talent mean? Is it something that you innately have, or is it something you can cultivate? Identifying talented individuals within a company is important because organizations need them to face everyday business challenges and remain competitive.
As job assessment and placement activities become critical in the current market scenario, E-Learning technologies are now able to improve these kinds of processes, by delivering advanced services for both employees and employers.
Thinking about implementing a training management software system or a Learning Management System (LMS)? Use these 10 tips to make sure your implementation is a success!
If you are going to fail – then do it fast! Here are the most common mistakes people/Stakeholders/Managers in /companies/departments/organisations make. Top fail list that covers Planning, Design, Development, and Delivery aspects of eLearning programs.
Too few people realise how important sleep is! Sleep improves recall in learning, but it's only been in the last decade that research has illuminated the fact that sleep is necessary for learning. Sleep is so important that we recommend you cover it with your students as a topic as a precursor to any topic!