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The new Delivery OData API provides access to the data you need while allowing third-party integrations to interact with your data during the delivery process.
Why would want to do that?
Assessment thought leader Steve Lay breaks it down int his blog post.
Assessment thought leader John Kleeman lays out 12 responsibilities of a Data Controller under EU Law when delivering assessments. Read the full blog post with tips here: http://bit.ly/1ufCQb9
Complimentary white paper: Responsibilities of a Data Controller When Assessing Knowledge, Skills and Abilities: http://bit.ly/1m5trgT
Understand the jargon- learning and assessment thought leader Steve Lay explains the meanings of some of the key acronyms and abbreviations you are likely to hear talked about in relation to open assessment platforms. Read the full post and share your own!
Psychometrician Austin Fossey writes a post about the upcoming release of the next version of the Standards for Educational and Psychological Testing, which is the authority on requirements for good assessment design and implementation, and which has not been updated since 1999.
Which Standards are changing, which are reminding the same, and why is all this happening now? Check out the blog post to find out more from Austin: http://bit.ly/1kEkZm