Before starting developing a course it's good to decide if you really have to, by creating a learning problem statement. Here are the 6 steps to do it.
The best production process isn’t the one that gets course content before an audience as quickly as possible. The best process is the one that can reliably deliver high quality learning content that’s fit for purpose to an audience within an appropriate timeframe.
Instructional design is still a sought after skill, but modern instructional design needs to drive us to better learning experiences. Read Logicearth's diary series on how our new IDs develop modern eLearning content.
Stories have always been an integral part of our lives, ranging from interesting fables and bedtime stories, typically involving animals and other things that are part of the children’s world, to gripping novels and magazines that interest adults, to entertaining and engaging animations, and even films. With technological advent and changing interests, stories entered the digital world...