While we do know that adaptive learning tools help in designing interesting adaptive learning programs, how do these tools alter what each learner sees?
In this live session, we’ll explore the speed of change, constant innovation, and digital disruption as the workplace continues to evolve today and beyond. Hear all about the innovative learning strategies that top learning & development organizations are implementing now to succeed in the future, and get the latest information to help you take on your most critical 2018 learning needs!
You’re staring at your computer screen and your heart sinks. Weeks have gone by with no input from your manager on your latest (most likely brilliant) eLearning project. What you’re staring at is an email asking for confirmation that you’ve taken into account the different learning styles of the employees required to take your training. …
“Critics say there is no evidence that identifying an individual student's learning style produces better outcomes.” But why then, do so many e-Learning designers cite the importance of addressing learning styles in designs, and why do the collective ‘rest of us’ seem to buy into it?
Our industry is rife with things that become hot trends – and then fizzle out. It’s also rife with various theories that hang around (probably due to their inclusion in a best-selling book). These theories turn into urban legends that people view as facts. They then make design decisions based on those “facts.” Let’s clear a few up.