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While we do know that adaptive learning tools help in designing interesting adaptive learning programs, how do these tools alter what each learner sees?
Learning Carnival’s Gireesh Sharma had a chance to interview Travis Clapp , the CEO of Opentute, a fresh entrant in the LMS Marketplace. Addressing some common problems of existing LMSs, Open…
Deliver learning content through a digital publishing platform. Discover the benefits of using a digital publishing platform to deliver all types of content
When creating a corporate eLearning solution, you need to adapt it to individual employee's learning needs and ensure it provides learners with what they need wherever they are.
Listen to the audio version Of late, there is a big buzz on Responsive eLearning designs vs older Adaptive eLearning designs. In this article, I’ll show you why you should…
Discover in this webinar how gamification, using triggers and alerts, can be used to provide customized, learner specific instruction in an engaging and thoughtful manner.
The phenomenal development of technology has transformed the way online medium is accessed. With each passing generation, learning trends have shifted from classroom training to eLearning and...